Cumberland River Basin Project Generation Schedule

Please note! Water release schedules often change without notice due to unanticipated changes in weather conditions and power system requirements. Use caution near dams. A large amount of water may be discharged without warning at any time. Your safety depends on obeying all posted safety regulations and warnings.

NOTE: Wolf Creek Megawatts (MW) ranging from 40-50 indicate 1 unit generation, Center Hill MW ranging from 45-55 indicate 1 unit generation, Dale Hollow MW ranging from 14-18 indicate 1 unit generation. MWs above the stated ranges indicate 2+ unit generation.
14Jan2025 Wolf Creek Dale Hollow Cordell Hull Center Hill Old Hickory J Percy Priest Cheatham Barkley
0100 120 0 33 0 75 30 24 105
0200 120 0 33 0 75 30 24 105
0300 120 0 66 45 75 30 24 105
0400 200 0 96 45 75 30 24 105
0500 200 0 96 45 75 30 24 105
0600 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
0700 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
0800 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
0900 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
1000 200 0 96 45 75 30 24 105
1100 160 0 66 45 75 30 24 105
1200 120 0 33 45 75 0 24 105
1300 80 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1400 80 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1500 80 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1600 80 0 0 0 75 0 24 105
1700 120 0 0 0 75 0 24 105
1800 120 0 0 0 75 0 24 105
1900 120 0 33 45 75 0 24 105
2000 120 0 66 45 75 0 24 105
2100 120 0 66 45 75 0 24 105
2200 120 0 66 45 50 0 24 105
2300 80 0 33 0 50 0 24 105
2400 80 0 33 0 50 0 24 105
Totals 3240 60 1200 630 1650 330 576 2520
15Jan2025 Wolf Creek Dale Hollow Cordell Hull Center Hill Old Hickory J Percy Priest Cheatham Barkley
0100 80 0 33 0 50 0 24 105
0200 120 0 33 0 50 0 24 105
0300 160 0 66 45 50 0 24 105
0400 200 0 66 45 50 30 24 105
0500 200 0 66 45 50 30 24 105
0600 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
0700 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
0800 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
0900 200 15 96 45 75 30 24 105
1000 200 0 96 45 75 30 24 105
1100 120 0 66 45 50 0 24 105
1200 120 0 66 45 50 0 24 105
1300 80 0 33 0 50 0 24 105
1400 40 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1500 40 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1600 40 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1700 40 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1800 120 0 0 0 50 0 24 105
1900 120 0 33 0 50 30 24 105
2000 120 0 66 0 50 30 24 105
2100 160 0 66 45 75 30 24 105
2200 160 0 66 45 75 30 24 105
2300 160 0 33 45 75 0 24 105
2400 160 0 33 45 50 0 24 105
Totals 3240 60 1206 630 1400 330 576 2520
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